Roblox Studio Workshop

Learn game development in Roblox Studio with our 2-month workshop for beginners. Join now!

Roblox Studio Workshop

Join our beginner-friendly 2 months workshop to learn game development in Roblox Studio for 1 hour per week.

laptop computer beside monitor with keyboard and mouse
laptop computer beside monitor with keyboard and mouse

Roblox Studio Workshop

Learn game development in Roblox Studio with our 2 months workshop for beginners.

Beginner-friendly workshop

Join our workshop to learn game development in Roblox Studio in just 2 months.

Hands-on training program

Get practical experience in game development with our 1-hour weekly workshop sessions.

Interactive learning experience for aspiring game developers.

Game development workshop

Happy Students

Join our workshop for beginners game development in Roblox Studio today!

My students learned so much during the workshop, it was a great experience.

Jason Mitz
person using computer playing FPS game
person using computer playing FPS game

Orinda, CA

The workshop was informative and fun, I highly recommend it to anyone interested in game development for their groups.

two red-and-white dices
two red-and-white dices
Amanda Knoxville

New Orleans, LA


Beginners Workshop

Join our 2 months workshop for game development beginners in Roblox Studio. Learn the basics of game creation in just 1 hour per week.


Flexible To You


Flexible in USA

Contact Us

a cactus with two birds perched on top of it
a cactus with two birds perched on top of it

For inquiries about our Roblox Studio for Beginners game development workshop, please contact us today.